Microblog Mondays: dusting off my art supplies

I used to draw a lot. Always carried a sketchbook with me. I had taken drawing classes for several years but when I stopped taking classes I stopped drawing after a while.
And I miss it. Of course, now when I try to draw something it turns out terrible.
So I registered for this graphic diary workshop that starts wednesday. Not only will it make me draw again but I really liked the concept: we will draw outside, inspiring ourselves by the movie Lisbon Story.
Tags: microblogmondays

3 thoughts on “Microblog Mondays: dusting off my art supplies

  1. How wonderful! I am with you. I’m trying to get back to drawing after being away from it for awhile too. The workshop sounds wonderful, though. Is it local or online?

  2. So funny — I was sitting with a catalogue of art classes today, trying to decide whether I wanted to take a one day drawing class to brush up. I hope you enjoy your class and share the pictures.

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