Microblog Mondays- word of the day: Awesome!


I used to play a middle eastern frame drum called the daf, but 2 years ago I had an operation on my shoulder and I hadn’t played ever since.

But I also have forever had this fascination with the portuguese frame drum , the adufe and yesterday I finally had the opportunity to learn a few basics, as there was this Frame Drums Atlantic Meeting which included middle eastern frame drums, bodhran and adufes.

The bodhran teacher told us that he gave a workshop where the pupils were so enthusiatic, they found every little thing totally awesome, and he said that was the good way to go about it. So all the afternnon when we got something right or there was a new challenge we kept saying : Awesome!

I am happy that they plan on making a monthly meeting, and maybe bring some teachers from the northof Portugal, Italy, Spain…

Here is a video from the tradicional portuguese group Adufeiras de Monsanto


and the song we worked on yesterday

Isn’t it awesome?

One thought on “Microblog Mondays- word of the day: Awesome!

  1. I really like the idea of saying, “Awesome” to every challenge – what a great way to change your mindset from negative to positive!

    And yes, those drums (and those videos) are awesome! 🙂

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